Monday, February 18, 2008


Car doors awaiting conversion into art

Wow - it's been some time since I last posted here. I went to California for a while, but that's a poor excuse. I've also dragged a broken toe around for almost three weeks, which didn't help my creativity much. I'll try to post more often but will mix in a few older shots since in this wintry weather shooting with a broken toe isn't much fun.

The above photo was taken in the California desert, at what is known as "Salvation Mountain", where 76-year old Leonard Knight turns many different things into art. If you'd like to find out more about it check my website and click on a gallery named "Salton Sea 2008". Quite an interesting place!

1 comment:

Lori Carey said...

I like this shot because it reminds me of one I would take! :) I just have this thing for junk in the California deserts. Even though I live in California, I STILL haven't made it out to Salvation Mountain or the quirky Slab City. Thanks for reminding me to bump it up on the list of priorities.