Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Empire State Building glowing yellow tonight

I know, I haven't posted much lately - too busy with holiday preps and other things. But, I went to the city today for Christmas shopping, dragged my camera along "just in case". Wish I hadn't because now my shoulder hurts and I didn't really take any pics. But when I stepped outside the Manhattan Mall at 32nd and 6th, I couldn't help but be struck by the fact that the Empire State Building was yellow during Christmas season (usually it's red, green and white throughout all of December). But boy, did it look pretty against the darkening blue sky, so here's my shot for today. It isn't all that sharp because instead of my tripod all I had was a bicycle chained to a lamp post to steady my camera at 1/5 of a second. I still like it though, especially because the camera shake makes the moon look full although it wasn't ;). Oh - and why is it yellow? I had to Google that: "The Simpsons Movie DVD release from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment".

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